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Самые действенные способы продвижения бизнеса - от традиционных с современным.

In an era of global competition and the total fullness of the business niche, promotion of goods or services is a serious challenge and a real challenge for both beginners and archived businessmen and entrepreneurs. New strategies, methods, techniques, ways of development and stabilization appear like a rocket, and on the "promotion" of the brand, logo or trademark spent enormous sums. Every year on advertising spent enormous sums, which have a tendency to a permanent increase. Today, on average, for every person on the planet for about 100 US dollars of advertising expenses. Advertising budget of some the world"s largest companies more than the annual budget of some countries, indicating that the total value of advertising in our everyday lives. Anyone who has ever worked in my life endorse or promote goods, services, and even himself, so underestimate the global importance of all types of advertising simply impractical, and at best, it can lead to stagnation in business, and at worst to a complete bankruptcy.

Experts in the field of sales and marketing do not cease to be detailed lists and ratings of most existing methods and techniques to find and attract potential customers. When it comes to the best and most effective method (or methods) to generate sales or finding new customers, the opinion of professionals divided - some prefer a modern and high-tech methods of search and selection of clients on the network, someone adheres to traditions and does not want to "change horses in midstream", and someone offers to successfully combine both strategies. We have prepared an overview of the most current methods for promoting your business, both in the virtual and real space.

Let"s start with the traditional methods, which are well established and are proven for many years.

Leaflets, brochures, flyers and business cards

Do not underestimate the effectiveness of traditional printed products, which clearly present your company and talk about your goals, goods, services, benefits and differences from competitors. People by nature draw attention to the bright pictures and colorful details, they are comfortable to hold in the hands of real objects, they will be able to study or peruse at your leisure. They will be able to put it in the car or even take home to show to friends and family that greatly expand the coverage and attract new customers. Modern technology has made the creation of printed materials faster, cost-effective and creative process. Many designs alone business cards will help potential customers and capture the image of your company logo in the memory, which occurs at the right time when a person will need your product or service. Speaking about the leaflets, it is worth noting that one of the most efficient methods of distribution is the distribution of materials at the metro stations, in traffic jams or in shopping malls. It is desirable to design a flyer or leaflet has been drafted in such a way that on the printed materials reflect some important and useful information for the average potential client. It can be a calendar Metro map or timetable of the bus. Also effective method is distributing discount coupons. People tend to keep those things which may benefit them in the present or the future. Even if they had not previously thought about buying your product, a discount coupon obtained free of charge, make them keep it in your wallet "ummm" or make a purchase immediately, guided by the limited supply or limited time of action.

Outdoor advertising and advertising on transport

This traditional way of advertising your company has repeatedly proved its effectiveness in attracting new customers and stimulate interest on the part of the old. Of course, the cost of this type of promotion will be more than print advertising materials, but also will be a significant backlash. Billboards should be placed in the squares and the streets filled with most of the city, where traffic jams often occur, or there is congestion of the pedestrians. For these purposes, the ideal option would be the central streets of the city, where people often walk slowly, looking at shop windows and the surrounding landscape, as well as squares and intersections, which can form jams and congestion of cars generated in several directions. Do not neglect and advertising in vehicles and in their stores, especially those that run through the city center on the most filled avenues. Advertising of this type should be bright, concise, easy to read and understand.

Conferences, trade fairs, shows, seminars and other events

Participation in such events will bring you undeniable benefits in the form of new customers. This type of advertising is closely associated with printed materials, and can be effectively combined to achieve the best result. The potential customer not only see your work and goods, but also get something to remember - a business card, brochure, CD or DVD-ROM, a calendar, a pen, a test sample of the product, or any other items that will leave on you a pleasant memory and link the image to your companies with products or services. When you meet your customers personally, your business becomes a real person, the recognition, you "stick". Moreover, it"s a great way to collect personal data about your customers, then to remind myself through phone calls, e-mail or an invitation to the next event with your participation.

Advertising in print media, on radio and television

Advertising in print media, is perhaps one of the most low cost ways to promote your business and attract new customers. It should provide a new potential customer information, a call to action, contain the name of the company, product or service and a brief argument. Advertising on the radio is aimed at students of all frequencies regardless of their age, place of work, because the radio can listen to both at home and at work, work or vacation. Radio advertising is to be stored, the brain potential buyer must remember and process it. A good example is a short song with a simple and fun motif or be announced by the voice of a famous person. Advertising of this kind should include the imagination. The most effective but also the most expensive of the options presented business promotion is television advertising. She visualized, and thus attracted the attention of his audience picture, an interesting plot, music or computer graphics. Television advertising broadcast between programs or showing films, TV series, so it should be simple, it should not force a person to think and act right, it should "cling" to the first seconds and get to watch it to the end.

There are other ways of traditional advertising. These include viral advertising - sending a message from person to person, indoor advertising in the subway, shops, business and shopping centers, to which the applicability of the basic requirements and rules of outdoor advertising, network marketing, which is successfully used by huge companies like Oriflame, Siberian Health , Avon Products, Faberlic, Amway, Mary Kay and many others. Each of these methods has proved popular and has repeatedly proved its effectiveness. The choice of method of advertising is predetermined objectives, scope, direction and specification of a particular business.

Starting a conversation about modern and technologically advanced methods of business promotion, we will focus on the most popular and effective that recommend experts in advertising and marketing, as well as other professionals and entrepreneurs.

Website and SEO

Perhaps, having a website is a necessary condition for the successful promotion of business in a world where purchasing more and more often are committed through the Internet, where people are looking for information, not leaving the house, and where almost all areas of life can be monitored online. However, not everyone knows exactly how the process of moving in such a case, therefore, there are so many companies offering their services both on site from scratch, and to promote them on the Internet. The website gives an idea of the company, its field of activity, goods and products, services and their cost. He tells where the company is and how to make the purchase, as well as the benefits of a product or service over the competition. Site will give an idea about you, your employees and sales or manufacturing scale, it will introduce your existing and prospective customers to you and will provide the necessary information to start cooperation. SEO helps businesses increase traffic to your site. SEO increases search engine ranking website for relevant keywords on search engines such as Google or Yandex. Like other marketing tools, SEO helps potential customers find you by comparing the content of your site and what they want to find. Thus, the ultimate goal of SEO - is the increase in sales, as more and more people will visit your site.

F acebook, Twitter, VKontakte and other social media

Facebook and VKontakte became huge platforms for advertising goods and services from different areas and spheres. Publication of advertisements in popular groups - a key advertising tool that brings great response, because such ads are viewed not only users of social networks, but your key audience. Using LinkedIn as a platform for advertising based on the fact that this network are mainly professionals whose interests are centered around a particular group or theme, so you are dealing with the target audience than to effectively use marketing worldwide. The best technique to promote your company LinkedIn - it infographics, quick tips and success stories from leaders in the industry. It is impossible not to consider the use of Twitter and Instagram to promote sales of products or services. These networks make it possible to put hashtags, for which a potential customer can easily find you. You can also use Twitter or Instagram, to find potential customers, tracking their "signals", for example, if you sell jewelry, then such a hashtag like # ring # bracelets # earrings and more. You can easily track stakeholders. In addition, you can create your own hashtag to unify and personalize your item. In the same group, we can see and live chat, which you can install on your website. With it, customers can ask you a question directly, at any time convenient to them and get an instant response. It is much more convenient way to communicate with the client"s perspective, than e-mail or phone call, because no one will try to force a product or service, but it can get all the information and make their own decisions, at least is the opinion of the client.

Contextual advertising

In this subgroup, we will look at two main ways a paid online advertising - a Yandex and Google AdWords. The main difference between them is that the longer napralen Yandex Russian-speaking Internet users and Google, respectively, for English and speakers of other languages. However, the experienced user will tell you that the system is similar at first glance, but in reality the differences are much greater than the similarities, namely systems differ on the following parameters: access account to a third party, the use of negative keywords management positions display ads , pricing and ranking ads match your search key phrases, the composition of the ad network and some others. The point of such advertising zakllyuchaetsya that your ad will be shown to potential customers who are looking for similar goods and services that you selected keywords or phrases into a search engine Yandex and Google. What is important is the fact that your ad will appear not only on search results pages, but also on the partner sites of both systems that will generate the flow of customers to your website.

Video distribution

We"ve talked a bit about advertising on television above, however, video distribution - is not only and not just television advertising, a wide range of approaches to the use of video to promote products, services, and services. One of the most popular methods is to place video distribution video message in social networks and video blogging. Video allows the client to get a quick overview of the product, while at the same time, without overloading his text by a short series of visually attractive. Today to create the video advertising is easy thanks to the development of technology. To do this, you can even use your smartphone camera.

If we talk about the field of coatings for potential customers, then it is possible to mention the fact that YouTube is visited by more than a billion unique users each month - and that"s more than any other site besides Facebook. Success Stories video campaigns speak for themselves, to take at least the latest advertising video campaigns Volkswagen, whose video was viewed a total of 155 million times. Carried away, and inspire their audience, and they will share the video with their friends. They will spend more time on your website, and longer interact with your brand. Your logo will be recognizable among Internet users, which will lead to a significant increase in traffic to your site.

Summarizing all the above, it is worth noting some important points. Firstly, there is a most effective way of promoting the business. It all depends on the specific conditions of the target audience, region and areas of the company, working in the region, advertising budget and many other factors. Therefore, the best solution would be a competent combination of several methods and techniques of placement of advertisements and advertising campaigns. Second, do not assume that only a modern and technologically advanced methods of advertising and promotion will bring you success. It is important to be able to competently use the full potential of both new and traditional methods of "promotion" of your business. Finally, do not expect instant results from some advertising techniques. In all it takes time, effort and in most cases material investments. It is necessary to be patient and make every effort to achieve really significant results. Do not forget that in the modern world competition is extremely high, and the occupancy of empty business niche is growing daily.

Опубликовано: 20.10.2015
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